
column header arrow handling

how can i set this arrow for sorting in the column header.I trying to find this arrow image implementation in gridutils.js and grid.js.
September 18,
The sort indicator is implemented in AW.Grid.Header template - see

You can set it with sortColumn, sortDirection properties.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
September 18,
can we set this for no of column?if we want this indicator to set for some number of column and don't want to show it in all column header
please replay as soon as possible.
September 21,
The standard header shows sorting indicator for one column. If you want to change this you have to modify the header class implementation in /source/lib/grid/header.js
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
September 21,
Hi Alex
finally I resolved my problem.My function was like this and It needs to display arrow image on 10th tab too at the time of sorting but it was showing

function headerClickedfunc(e) {
var botonfunc = (e.srcElement.tagName == "B")? e.srcElement.parentElement.id:e.srcElement.id;
var arrid = botonfunc.split('/');
var posbotonfunc = botonfunc.indexOf(":" ,12);
var numbotonfunc = botonfunc.charAt(posbotonfunc+1);
var gridIndexFrstDgt=numbotonfunc;
// My modifications
var gridIndexScondDgt=botonfunc.charAt(posbotonfunc+2);
if(gridIndexScondDgt >=0 && gridIndexScondDgt<=9){
var gridIndex=gridIndexFrstDgt.concat(gridIndexScondDgt);
numbotonfunc = gridIndex;
//Modification ends here
var lastcolord = grdobj.getSortProperty("index");
var lastcoldir = grdobj.getSortProperty("direction");

Thanks for your support

Rupinder Kaur
September 26,

This topic is archived.

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