
Reset Combo Box

Does anyone know how to reset the selected index on a Combo Box, as in:

obj.selectedIndex = -1

Doesn't seem to be in the docs.
Wallace R
November 9,
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
November 9,
Nope, that was the first thing I tried and it didn't work. Here is the code I've used to declare the Combo Box:

var cmbComboBox = new AW.UI.Combo;
set up attributes for cmbComboBox

btnClear.onControlClicked = function()
cmbComboBox.setSelectedItems([]); //does nothing
Wallace R
November 10,
Ah - got it.

Forgot to include setControlText() after setSelectedItems([]).
Wallace R
November 10,
hi wallace can u plz write the both statements together i.e. setSelectedItems([]) & setControlText()
November 11,
Hi wallace will u please tell me how u hav done the above code ... I mean the correct syntax
November 23,
obj.setControlText("Enter Control Text Here");

Also to hide the popup use:

Wallace R
November 23,

This topic is archived.

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