
to creatre a pop up window

i am working in JSP . i want to create a pop up window. how can i do it.
jelin jose
July 30,
If you want some help you must provide more information than this.
John Ophof
July 30,
hi jelin
in following ,look this, if it could help you ?

<script language="JavaScript">
function NewWindow(){

August 1,
I am an Chinnese boy,my english is not good.
so sorry!

August 1,
YEs that could do fine with a button or an image firing an
event calling the method from Java Script to pop up a new

August 12,
but how do you get it to a precise position, not the upper left corner?
October 9,
function popup( {
var w = 700;
var h = 400;
var winl = (screen.width-w)/2;
var wint = (screen.height-h)/2;
if (winl < 0) winl = 0;
if (wint < 0) wint = 0;

var page = "yourpage.php";
windowprops = "height="+h+",width="+w+",top="+ wint +",left="+ winl +",location=no,"
+ "scrollbars=yes,menubars=no,toolbars=no,resizable=no,status=yes";
window.open(page, "Popup", windowprops);

that works for me. :)
anonymous me
October 10,

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