
How to change appearance of TOOLTIP popup

Can anyone please tell me how you can change the appearance of the tooltip.

ie background colour / border / font etc.


Andy Rush
September 22,
oh and also the timeout value.. (wan't it on permanently while onmouseover).

Andy Rush
September 22,
In this example a tooltip in column 12 only

Active.Templates.Text.prototype.setEvent ("onmouseover", onmouseover );

openmodelinggrid = Active.Controls.Grid.subclass();

openmodelinggrid.init = function () {
obj.setAction("mouseover", function(src) {
var e = this.getOpenmodelingProperty ("currentevent");
var oobject = geteventsource (e);
var cid = oobject.id;
var nlen = cid.length;
var ccolumn11 = ".item:11";
var nlencolumn11 = ccolumn11.length;
var npos = cid.indexOf ( ccolumn11 );
if (npos != -1 && (npos == nlen - nlencolumn11) ) { // only mouse over effect in the twelfth column
var drag = document.getElementById("draggingPart");
if (drag == null) {
drag = document.createElement("DIV");
//drag.style.MozOpacity = 0.8;
//drag.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=50)";
drag.style.font = "menu";
drag.style.border = "1px solid threedlightshadow";
drag.style.backgroundColor = "#ffffff";
drag.style.width = "50%";
drag.style.width = "50%";

drag.innerHTML = src.getProperty("item/text"); // @# cid stond hier nog in weggehaald
drag.style.left = _pagePosX(e)+ 20; // offset +10 otherwise target == movingdata;
drag.style.top = _pagePosY(e);
drag.style.position = "absolute";

//var drag = document.createElement("DIV");

/*-moz-opacity:0.5; filter:alpha(opacity=50);*/
obj.defineOpenmodelingProperty("currentevent", null );


openmodelinggrid.init ();

function onmouseover (e) {
if (this.setOpenmodelingProperty) {
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.returnValue = false;
this.setOpenmodelingProperty ("currentevent", e);
if (this.action) {
this.action ("mouseover");
John Ophof http://open-modeling.sourceforge.net
September 27,

This topic is archived.

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