

how did you create that when we click on the "show example link" there is a file opened next to it..
January 26,
Where are you refering to?
Jim Hunter
January 26,
Are you refering to pages where you can 'pop up' sample code and then see a demo of the code? If so, this is done by placing the code in a hidden DIV or IFrame, then to show the example, simply get the text of the DIV and do an eval() on it to dynamically exacute the code. To place it exactly where you want it, create a DIV and load the dynamically created stuff into the DIV.

If you want details, simply right click on those pages and select "View Source".
Jim Hunter
January 26,
can you please give us a simplify part of it where the link expands or collapsed? because when we view the code its a little bit complicated and we dont know where to start reading it....
January 27,

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