
Both Single And Double-Click Actions On Cell


Is it possible to have a cell scripted to have actions on both single- and double-clicks?Seems like I can't get a double-click event fired off when I use both:

obj.onCellClicked = function(event, column, row) {
    switch (parseInt(column)) {
        case colExp:
            myExpRows[row] = ( (myExpRows[row] == 1) ? 0 : 1);
            var visArray = toggleExpandCollapse();
            if (visArray.length > 0) {
        case colAccount:
            popUpVndActNb( column, row );
        case colVendor:
            popUpVendorName( column, row );
        case colContract: 
            popUpVndCntNb( column, row );
        case colSched:
            popUpSchedule( column, row );

obj.onCellDoubleClicked	= function(event, column, row) { 
    switch (parseInt(column)) {
        case colVendor:
            window.open("displayVendor.asp?PID=" + obj.getCellValue( colVID, row ), "Vendor");
        case colContract:
            window.open("viewVendorContractDetails.asp?VndCntID=" & cntid & "&PID=" + obj.getCellValue( colVID, row ) );
Paul Tiseo
December 14,
Alex kindly reminded me that this is not just an AW problem, but a more general onclick/ondblclick problem.

The solution? You need to put the response to a single-click on a timer to allow a read in the double-click. For example, for the vendor column, I want a popup on a cell's single-click and a second window opened on a cell's double-click. Thus:

case colVendor:
    timer = setTimeout("popUpVendorName(" + column + "," + row + ")", 500); // timer to allow read for double-click


case colVendor:
     window.clearTimeout(timer); // cancel timer if one was started
     window.open("displayVendor.asp?PID=" + vid, "Vendor");
Paul Tiseo
December 15,

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