
RowHeader Question

Not sure if this was asked before, but I couldn't find it. I have a resultset row number I get from database. I current have the grid set up as a pageable resultset and it works beautifully. I'd like to subsitute the row header numbers with actual row numbers of the resultset. So when a user pages through, the row head number corresponds to the row in the resultset. I tried:

- which threw an object error..

Got any other suggestions??

Thanks in advance..

Love the grid, just got it today.. and have implemented it already in my app.. I have it set up to recieve an sql select statement for results and it works awesome to display those results
January 14,
It should be:



You can do one of the following:
a). obj.setRowText(string); //all rows
b). obj.setRowText(string, index); //one row
c). obj.setRowText(function(i){return string}); //function
d). obj.setRowTexts(array); //array of strings
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
January 14,
Sorry, but I figured this one out as well..

obj.setRowText(function(i){return getRow(myPageTopRow,i)});

did the trick.

I tried doing the math right in the "function(i){return [math here]}"
and it kept returning concated strings of the numbers.. Sending to another function seemed to resolve it..

January 14,

This topic is archived.

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